MAX Program

About the MAX Program

Our MAX (Make-A-Connection) Program is an interactive experience focused on the horse-human bond and its impact on relationships through an introduction to equine experiential learning and the principles of basic horsemanship. This unique program offers individuals the opportunity to gain or re-gain essential life and coping skills that allow productive interactions and collaboration with those with whom they live and work.

Who Can Benefit

Many individuals and groups can experience the wonderful benefits of the MAX Program including, but not limited to:

  • Military families
  • Veterans
  • Grief support groups/grieving individuals
  • Children with special needs and their families
  • Those suffering from a serious illness such as cancer
  • Therapists and other support personnel for those listed above

Program Outline

We offer both a 5-week and one-day MAX Program workshops. (Our one-day workshop covers the same information as the 5-week program, just in a more condensed format).

Week 1 – Communication

  • Observe the herd – investigate herd roles
  • How to approach a horse
  • Objectives:
    • Understand non-verbal communication cues in interactions with one another
    • Enhance self-awareness of our own behaviors

Weeks 2 & 3 – Connection

  • Feeding
  • Haltering and Grooming
  • Leading and Obstacle Course
  • Objective: Foster self-esteem and self-confidence through learning to care for and communicate with the horse 

Weeks 4 & 5 – Riding

  • Work as teams – alternate who rides and who leads
  • Objectives:
    • Improve balance and coordination
    • Improve breathing and circulation
    • Boost self-confidence and self-esteem
    • Reduce tension and anxiety
    • Improve memory and sequencing abilities

MAX Program Requirements

For the safety of our riders and volunteers, all riders must meet the following criteria:

  • Weigh less than 200 pounds in order to be safely dismounted in an emergency
  • Have sitting balance (side walkers can’t be asked to support the weight of the rider). If riders have minimum sitting balance, they must weigh 40lbs or less.
  • Be at least 4 years old
  • Have a disability that is compatible with therapeutic horsemanship and have a therapist or physician to complete a medical form

Cost and Scheduling

Please contact us using the form below to discuss cost, registration, and more.